Apr 6, 2009

Bagg and Millar on Crisis and Issues Management in a Social Media Era

It's time to meet the final two speakers who will present to the PR Lifelines in Health Care conference at IUPUI's Campus Center on April 10. Come see Fred Bagg and Dan Millar talk about Crisis and Issues Management in a Social Media Era.

Fred Bagg
Director Planning and Research

Frederick C. Bagg, ABC, APR, Fellow PRSA, is Director Planning and Research for St. Francis Hospital & Health Centers, a three-hospital Catholic healthcare entity in suburban Indianapolis, IN, that is part of the Sisters of St. Francis Health Services, Inc., system. Fred is a 30-year public relations and marketing veteran, an adjunct college professor and frequent speaker at national conferences on healthcare and public relations. He is a past Board member of SHSMD and has served in a variety of roles in PRSA, IABC, and other organizations at the local, district and national level. Fred has an undergraduate degree in journalism and business, has studied for a Masters in Public Relations, and has an MBA.

Dan Millar
President & Owner, Millar Communication Strategies, Inc.

Dan P. Millar, Ph.D., APR, Fellow PRSA, serves as President of Millar Communication Strategies in Indianapolis, Indiana. He has more than 40 years in public relations, university teaching, research and consulting. Dr. Millar has been a professor of public relations at Central Michigan University, Indiana State University, and Butler University. He is past member of the SHSMD Chicago (2005) conference planning committee and has served in a variety of roles in PRSA and other organizations at the local, district and national level. Dan is co-author of two award-winning books on crisis communication: Crisis Management and Communication (1998, 2002), and Responding to Crisis (2004) as well as several other books and articles.

Fred Bagg and Dan Millar will present Crisis and Issue Management in a Social Media Era at PR Lifelines in Health Care on April 10 - IUPUI Campus Center - CE 409.



Last minute registrations for Friday’s PR Lifelines in Health Care conference being accepted until 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 7. Take advantage of this professional learning opportunity led by industry experts in strategic planning (Kathy Lewton) and optimizing social media in PR (Paul Gillin).

Register Here NOW and don’t miss the 10 a.m. deadline!

PR Lifelines in Health Care is presented by the Indiana University School of Journalism Master of Arts in Public Relations program at IUPUI, and sponsored by the PRSA Health Academy.


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